Ancient History of the Barony of Loch Salann

First Outlandish Warlord
22-23 April A.S. XVII (1978)




1st Revel

2nd Revel

July Revel

August Revel


Outlands Coronet

October Notes

Beaste Feaste

Twelfth Night Revel

Court of Love

Burro Creek War I

1st Birthday Tourney

Kingdom Arts and Sciences

Turnabout Tourney

1st Outlandish Warlord


Grand Outlandish V

June Lunacy Revel

Courtesan's Challenge

Rustic Weekend

Guild Faire

Outlands Investiture

Storming of Storm Mountain

First Lagoon Demo

Dwarven Invitational I

Defender of Hastle Castle

Crown Tourney

Second Lagoon Demo

Shire Champion and Stolen Souls

Peasant Revel

Early Barony Years

The Questing Quill

Shire of Cwm Maethlon Newsletters

Ideas For Arms

Several of us drove down to the First Outlandish Warlord Tournament, in Shadowskeep (Española, New Mexico).

An article in The Questing Quill for May A.S. XIII relates:

The trip to Principality Warlord Tourney started off with a real bang--for Jerilyn and Rhonwen, at least. As they were on their way from town to Hastle Castle, a careless knave ran into the back of their fire chariot, causing much consternation on both their parts and shaking them up considerably, but with no serious damage.

Those who went from the shire were Lady Ferelith MacDonald, Jerilyn of Vert Silva, Michael the Lucky, Gallowglass, Rhonwen y Llysieuydd, Thorad son of Bjorg, Elaine of the Lion's Tale and two of Thorad and Elaine's children.

We reached the tourney site, just outside Shadowskeep and about a mile from Duckford, at about 8:00 the morning of Saturday, April 22, A.S. XII. It was lovely, shaded by cottonwoods and paved with horse droppings, which we raked aside to set up our pavillions. We were greeted by Prince Heinrich and many of our other good friends from various places in the Outlands.

Thorad, Elaine, Marcus, unknown, and Heinrich
Thorad son of Bjorg, Elaine of the Lion's Tale, Lord Marcus Arabis, an unknown lady, and Prince Heinrich der Jäger.

That day challenge matches were held. Thorad son of Bjorg did distinguish himself by challenging both Master Sir Theo Lord Mightrinwood and Lord Marcus Arabis to matches and winning, although he lost to Mohammed the Inhuman. Other interesting events included the catching of a dragon by Prince Heinrich (it got away again) and a jumprope contest as part of the competition for the Golden Apple of Atlantia for the ladies. Jerilyn and Ferelith both tried their skill at this last. During the afternoon, House Duckford sponsored a Tea, with Sun (symbol of Atenveldt) and Duckford cookies and good things to drink.

Thorad vs Theo of Mightrinwood
Thorad beats Theo of Mightrinwood
Thorad son of Bjorg against Sir Theo of Mightrinwood in a challenge match. (Sir Theo in purple, Thorad in duct tape and jeans.) Thorad beats Sir Theo in the challenge match. (And from his knees, no less!)
Thorad vs Marcus Arabis
Thorad vs Marcus Arabis
Thorad son of Bjorg challenges Lord Marcus Arabis. Thorad vs. Marcus Arabis.

In the evening a drama competition in honor of William Shakespeare's 414th birthday was held. Lord Zotzmeyer did a speech from JULIUS CAESAR, a large group from Shadowskeep put on a hilarious portrayal of events from the life of King Arthur and our own Gallowglass and Lady Ferelith played Petruchio and Kate from THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. As the sun set, Heironymous the Sarabite brought out the Outlands Coronetting Rock for Prince Heinrich to stand on. this ceremony was followed by a feast. There was a great deal of good food, none of which we could see because it was dark and the candles on the tables kept blowing out. The winners of the drama competition, the players from Shadowskeep, got Shakespeare's Birthday Cake. (No, it did not have 414 candles on it.)

Gallowglass and Ferelith in Taming of the Shrew
Gallowglass and Ferelith in Taming of the Shrew
Gallowglass and Lady Ferelith MacDonald put on a scene from "Taming of the Shrew"

After the feast a fire was started, and by its light and that of the full moon, a bardic circle commenced. First we were entertained by two belly dancers, who braved the cold breezes to perform for us. After several songs, it was requested that Mistress Irminsul, Dwarf Mother Improbable, sing her Dwarven Lullaby. But, alas, no Dwarves were to be found. Various bits of their clothing or possessions were scattered about, but they had all disappeared. It was discovered that they had been abducted and would not be returned until the feast tables had been cleaned up. A noisy melee of sorts ensued and eventually the Dwarves (and Gallowglass and Sir Asad, who had also been abducted) were returned to our circle and Mistress Irminsul could sing her lullaby to calm them down.

After the singing, a kissing auction was held, with Sir Theo as auctioneer. The three ladies of Hastle Castle were auctioned off as a "package deal" and (to their great delight) were bought by Prince Heinrich, who christened them "Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate".

The next day the lists for Principality Warlord were held. There were 45 different matches, with each of the entrants fighting different opponents with different weapons to determine overall knowledge and excellence with each. Between matches, the Golden Apple of Atlantia competition continued, and during the whole day a band of thieves from Shadowskeep conducted rip-offs for ransom, to everyone's dismay.

Thorad distinguished himself in the lists, also. He won four out of nine matches and came in as one out of four who tied for third place in the competition. Master Sir Theo, Lord Mightrinwood became the Outlands Warlord, with Lord Glenm coming in second.

After the lists a King's Chorus session was held, mainly so that we could get the songs we don't know into Rhonwen's magic music box. Then came closing court, presided over by Prince Heinrich with TRH Sir Johan and Lady Malinda von Hohen-Staffen present. Several presentations were made. The Outlands Warlord Banner was presented to Sir Theo. The Shadowskeep thieves relinquished the ransom money from ripped-off items to the Prince for the Principality coffers and Lady Heather of Ranwood won the Golden Apple of Atlantia.

Two awards of arms were given: one to Mohammed the Inhuman, who proved inhumanity the evening before by controlling himself and kissing only the hand of the lovely young lady he bought for a high price at the kissing auction, and one to Rhonwen y Llysieuydd (haven't I heard that name before?) of our shire.

Court over, the Shirefolk began to pack up to leave. Lo-o-ong goodbyes were exchanged (The Clench-a-Wench team must keep up its reputation) and then we adjourned to Duckford where Lady Ælflæd most graciously allowed us to prepare for the long journey home.

It was an enjoyable weekend for all. We thank Lady Ælflæd for her hospitality, Lady Sybilla von Draconstor (the autocrat) and the good people of Shadowskeep for making it possible.

Written 25 April, A.S. XII . . . . . Submitted by Lady Rhonwen y Llysieuydd

Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.

Meistres Rhonwen welcomes others who were there in the early days adding their reminiscences--after over 25 years, her memory is a bit faulty, and much information has disappeared in the fog. E-mail her at

Rhonwen's SCA page | Julia West's home page

since 1 Dec 2003

Last update 13 Feb 2004