Ancient History of the Barony of Loch Salann

Courtesan's Challenge Tourney in Caerthe
17-18 June A.S. XIII (1978)




1st Revel

2nd Revel

July Revel

August Revel


Outlands Coronet

October Notes

Beaste Feaste

Twelfth Night Revel

Court of Love

Burro Creek War I

1st Birthday Tourney

Kingdom Arts and Sciences

Turnabout Tourney

1st Outlandish Warlord


Grand Outlandish V

June Lunacy Revel

Courtesan's Challenge

Rustic Weekend

Guild Faire

Outlands Investiture

Storming of Storm Mountain

First Lagoon Demo

Dwarven Invitational I

Defender of Hastle Castle

Crown Tourney

Second Lagoon Demo

Shire Champion and Stolen Souls

Peasant Revel

Early Barony Years

The Questing Quill

Shire of Cwm Maethlon Newsletters

Ideas For Arms

The household of Hastle Castle (minus, alas, Lady Ferelith, who was incapacitated by an infected tooth) flew on a passenger dragon to Caerthe to witness the Courtesan's Challenge Tourney. Lord Gallowglass, Lady Jerilyn and Lady Rhonwen were greeted by Lady Kathleen Caslean an Bharraigh, who graciously extended the hospitality of the Dragonsspine Embassy to the weary travellers (for which we thank her profusely).

The Tourney took place at a park in Caerthe on June 17 and 18 with the first day taken up in challenge matches, a Court of Love, and various competitions in the Gentler Arts by gentlemen of Atenveldt. One challenge, between Sir Theodric Lord Breken Beaken and Lord Thomas the Mute, was over who would have the privilege of bestowing a rose on Lady Jerilyn.

A rose to Lady Jerilyn
Carrying Jerilyn off
A rose to lady Jerilyn of Vert Silva. What's this? Is someone carrying Lady Jerilyn off?

That evening a Feast was followed by a Masque. In keeping with the stated theme of dressing as a member of the Fairy Court or flowers, Lady Jerilyn attended as a Honeysuckle, Lady Rhonwen as a Violet and Lord Gallowglass as a Pansy. Gallowglass' un-pansy-like behavior resulted in Jerilyn and Rhonwen having to resort to a "Hertz Rent-a-Lord" for an escort in procession--the kind lord being Russell of Barbarossa.

The next day the competition in the Gentle Arts continued, with a Quest ending up the day's activities. Gallowglass was, unfortunately, Newted in the Quest (gave the wrong answer) and had to do something truly noteworthy (newt-worthy, maybe?) to become Un-Newted.

Gallowglass Newted
Hert Rent-a-Lord Russell of Barbarossa
"She turned me into a Newt. . . . . I got better." Lord Gallowglass gets Newted. Hertz Rent-a-Lord Russell of Barbarossa's enjoyable loincloth. (Lord Gallowglass behind Russell's head; Lady Kathleen Caslean an Bharraigh to the far right.)

Unfortunately, the Flying Dragon was leaving, so none of us discovered who was named Courtesan's Champion. However, we enjoyed it (especially Lord Russell's loincloth) and good wishes were sent by Baron Sir Theodric to the Shire.

           Submitted this 4th Day of July, A.S. XIII by Lady Rhonwen y Llysieuydd

From The Questing Quill, Vol. II Issue VII, July, A.S. XIII

Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.

Meistres Rhonwen welcomes others who were there in the early days adding their reminiscences--after over 25 years, her memory is a bit faulty, and much information has disappeared in the fog. E-mail her at

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since 13 Feb 2004

Last update 13 Feb 2004