Ancient History of the Barony of Loch Salann

October A.S. XII (1977) Officer's Meeting




1st Revel

2nd Revel

July Revel

August Revel


Outlands Coronet

October Notes

Beaste Feaste

Twelfth Night Revel

Court of Love

Burro Creek War I

1st Birthday Tourney

Kingdom Arts and Sciences

Turnabout Tourney

1st Outlandish Warlord


Grand Outlandish V

June Lunacy Revel

Courtesan's Challenge

Rustic Weekend

Guild Faire

Outlands Investiture

Storming of Storm Mountain

First Lagoon Demo

Dwarven Invitational I

Defender of Hastle Castle

Crown Tourney

Second Lagoon Demo

Shire Champion and Stolen Souls

Peasant Revel

Early Barony Years

The Questing Quill

Shire of Cwm Maethlon Newsletters

Ideas For Arms

I have notes from an officer's meeting for Am Mor Salann Fasach dated 27 October A.S. XII. At this point, enough of us had been playing (and visiting out of area events) to know much more about what was going on in the wider world of the SCA. One of our pressing needs was to educate the populace. Since we were an emerging shire, with the nearest major group a good ten-hour drive away, most of the populace could not travel to many out of area events. We decided that every revel needed to be not only fun and medieval, but a teaching event. So we instituted the measures outlined in the meeting minutes below.

Also note that Sorcha O'Melachlin, tired of being called "Scorcha," changed her name at this point. She later dropped the "Sorcha" entirely, and has been known as Ferelith ever since.

27 October A.S. XII Officer's Meeting

We are not a democracy

At all revels from now on--mock throne

Ferelith Sorcha McDonald--our Seneschal's new name

Next revel--"minicourses" or stations:

Heraldry--the Herald and Chronicler (and Wendy)

Courtesy--Seneschal, Marshall (and Charles)

Persona and Appropriate Costuming--Arts and Hospitaler (and Cecilia)

Passing the Helm!!

White ribbon pinned on those who have paid or brought food

House rule--$1.00 grownups, 50 cents kids

Favor--encouragement of courtly behavior--at each revel

Opening procession and closing court for every revel

The "Wendy" noted above is my mundane sister, who chose the name Briony of Windermere (see picture of her at Saltcon) and later became Queen of Atenveldt. She did a lot of heraldic illustration for me over the years.

The "Charles" noted above is Charles of Galway, whose picture is shown at the May and July revels. "Cecilia" was known in the SCA as Orria.

Considering the date of these meeting minutes, was the meeting held at the Coronet Tourney? I don't remember.

Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.

Meistres Rhonwen welcomes others who were there in the early days adding their reminiscences--after over 25 years, her memory is a bit faulty, and much information has disappeared in the fog. E-mail her at

Rhonwen's SCA page | Julia West's home page

since 22 Nov 2003

Last update 1 Dec 2003