Ancient History of the Barony of Loch Salann

Court of Love
11 February A.S. XII (1978)




1st Revel

2nd Revel

July Revel

August Revel


Outlands Coronet

October Notes

Beaste Feaste

Twelfth Night Revel

Court of Love

Burro Creek War I

1st Birthday Tourney

Kingdom Arts and Sciences

Turnabout Tourney

1st Outlandish Warlord


Grand Outlandish V

June Lunacy Revel

Courtesan's Challenge

Rustic Weekend

Guild Faire

Outlands Investiture

Storming of Storm Mountain

First Lagoon Demo

Dwarven Invitational I

Defender of Hastle Castle

Crown Tourney

Second Lagoon Demo

Shire Champion and Stolen Souls

Peasant Revel

Early Barony Years

The Questing Quill

Shire of Cwm Maethlon Newsletters

Ideas For Arms

The Court of Love . . .

Those of you who were not at last month's revel missed out on a most marvelous time. There were plenty of games and dances, all centered around a theme appropriate for St. Valentine's Day, and the revelers all wore pink and red in order to help get into the proper frame of mind. Throughout the evening, we all got plenty of practice in kissing, and we finally got to play Clench-a-Wench. Yes, we finally got to find out what all those fortunates who have played it before have been talking so much about all this time. I'm looking forward to playing it again, as soon as possible.

Interspersed among the other festivities were sessions of a Court of Love, wherein some of our gentlemen were brought to trial for some base misdeeds incurred upon some of the worthy ladies of the Shire. It was quite a treat to see milord Robert de Spencer following milady Rhonwen around on his knees in a properly submissive (?) manner, and milord Gallowglass received a smack from milady Elaine. Milord Alaric spent the evening muttering, "Lovely ladies, beautiful ladies, kind ladies. . . ."

To refresh ourselves during the evening, between activities, there were some delightful munchies--many reportedly aphrodisiacs. All in all the evening was greatly enjoyed by everyone until we were forced to depart because of a bad snowstorm.

          Eireanna O'Glyannan Diomhair

. . . and its Aftermath

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Little did I think when first I planned to autocrat a Court of Love for the Shire that it would be a way of spreading that fell disease, The Shire Gomboo! Going with the romantic concept, as you may recall, we played Clench-a-Wench, Allemagne Hug and did the Candle Dance--all of which allow for a generous sharing of germs, if someone is so discourteous as to play the games while carrying some Dread Disease. As most of you already know, the following week fully half of the Shire was levelled by the (shudder!) Shire Gomboo. I fully expect that when all investigation is completed that we will find that some Agent of the Western Kingdom did slyly bring this plague to the Shire in time to weaken the forces that we sent to the War. (Or perhaps some evil wizard did make some unsuspecting shirefolk their tools to spread this pestilence among the populace.) At any rate--we would plead with the members of this kissy-face group to THINK whether they are healthy before participating in some activities calculated to spread ANY disease. Because, if you do not take care, you may be the one guilty of once again foisting on an unsuspecting populace the famous Shire Gomboo.


From The Questing Quill, Vol. II Issue III, March A.S. XII

Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.

Meistres Rhonwen welcomes others who were there in the early days adding their reminiscences--after over 25 years, her memory is a bit faulty, and much information has disappeared in the fog. E-mail her at

Rhonwen's SCA page | Julia West's home page

since 13 Feb 2004

Last update 13 Feb 2004