25-26 March A.S. XII (1978) | ||
Kingdom Arts and Sciences Shire Champion and Stolen Souls Shire of Cwm Maethlon Newsletters
This exchange on the CB began the Shire's trip to the Kingdom's Arts and Sciences Faire, held in Al-barran, March 25 and 26. The nine shirefolk attending found a long drive and a soft trailer floor (courtesy of Lady Kathryn of Iveragh and Lord Mark Lasie of Westminster) awaiting them, and, after a night's sleep, plunged into the numerous workshops available. Our lovely seneschale graciously accepted an invitation to co-instruct the dancing workshop, and our herald managed with great difficulty to curb her flinch when the cry of "Herald!" rang out. ("You mean me?") At the evening court, King Koris presented awards to winners in the crafts competition, including Laurence de Bullough of our shire, for his helmet. Dardya of Dragon's Fire received the Grand Prize (a hand-blown glass goblet) from Queen Leah, for her lovely pewter dragon. In a moving ceremony, members of the populace swore fealty to King Koris. The court adjourned and the populace travelled to the home of Stephan the Wanderer for an Al-barran revel, where it was discovered that a King may have three young ladies under his cloak and not be crowned by the Queen. After an Interesting Night, a 15th century Easter service (with some of the shirefolk singing in the King's Chorus), and a fighter practice filled Sunday until that sad moment when mundane obligations forced our return to the Great Salt Waste poorer in gold, but richer in memories of the gracious hospitality of Al-barran. From The Questing Quill, Vol. II Issue IV, April A.S. XII | |
Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.
Meistres Rhonwen welcomes others who were there in the early days adding their reminiscences--after over 25 years, her memory is a bit faulty, and much information has disappeared in the fog. E-mail her at julia.west@REMOVETHIS.sff.net. | ||
Last update 13 Feb 2004