Rhonwen's Music

Bard Side of a Broad*


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Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes's Persona Story

I've written several songs, some to original tunes and some (in the best medieval tradition) to other tunes.

Don't Ever Love


Neville, or, The Ensorcelled Son

Of Two Unicorns

An Outlands Herald (An Artemisian Herald)

The Sea-Man

Wonderful Thing

Also a song which isn't mine, but which was written in the early days of the shire of am Mor Salann Fasach to commemorate Burro Creek I war.

Hastle Castle War Song by Ferelith MacDonald

*I planned, at one time, to put together a songbook of my music with this title. I never did, but I still like the title. It references Broadside of a Bard, a songbook Master Baldwin of Erebor published of his music.

Disclaimer: This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Barony of Loch Salann.

E-mail Meistres Rhonwen at julia.west@REMOVETHIS.sff.net.

Julia West's home page

Meistres Rhonwen's SCA Page

since 1 Dec 2003

Last update 9 Feb 2004